Recipes Source Recipe Source is the new SOAR (Searchable
Online Archive of Recipes). This project began at UC Berkeley in the
90`s to experiment with database functions.
More than 60,000 recipes are available. The original intent was the ability to search any category with versatility and ease. Want a certain ethnic food, or just got a great deal on a hundred pounds of potatoes? This site should help. |
Cooks.Com - Recipe Search More great recipes.
Food Allergy Network Resources and information for people dealing
with any kind of food alergies.
The Vegetarian Resource Group Vegetarians have the additional nutritional
challenge of getting enough protein and amino acids without meat.
Blonz Guide to Nutrition, Food & Health Resources The Blonz Guide to Nutrition, Food Science and
| - A Modern Herbal Botanical is very descriptive of the plants and ways to use them.
Strictly Medicinal Seeds Horizon Herbs provides the seeds to help you
grow your own garden for medicine and food. They have plants most
people have never heard of and lot`s of good information.
HerbNET An online encyclopedia of herbal remedies.
Herbs are great for making your food taste better.